Welcome to AgileByExample, the 10th best Agile conference in the world. This year we will be rising the bar again… ABE16 is a great place to meet with all that’s Agile:
- two days of inspiring and energizing talks, all held in English
- Dojo—a day of intensive workshops on practical topics
Thanks to its unique atmosphere, this is the best occasion to network with like-minded people and share what’s best in software development management.
Konferencja AgileByExample 2016 speakers
- Alexandre Magno
- Andrea Provaglio
- Brendan Marsh Spotify
- Brian Marick
- Henrik Kniberg Spotify
- Jurgen Appelo
- Kevin Goldsmith Avvo
- Marc Loeffler
- Marcin Floryan Spotify
- Oana Juncu
- Pawel Brodzinski Lunar Logic
- Peter Leeson White Clarke Group
- Riina Hellström People Geeks
- Rolf Goetz Haufe Group
- Steve Hayes
- Tomek Rusiłko Lunar Logic
What is Dojo?
Dojo is a workshop day held a day before the conference that will allow you actually practice agile skills. Learn by doing, meet great agile senseis and step out of your comfort zone.
There will be 9 different 3-3,5-hour long workshops to choose from in the morning and also in the afternoon, so every participant can attend two sessions.
The Dojo tickets are limited by training rooms capacity and there are around 200 tickets this year. First come, first served so don’t hesitate to buy your ticket.