Professor Philip Wadler, Alfonso Garcia-Caro (the creator of Fable compiler,) software engineer, Ju Liu, and author of the book “Elixir in Action,” Saša Jurić, are amongst the confirmed speakers of the second year of LambdUp, so far. This year's conference topic, which is mostly dedicated to functional programming, will be ClojureScript, Elixir, Elm, F # and Reason, and their link with object-oriented programming. LambdUp will take place on September 13, 2018, in Prague.
For the second time, LambdUp is responding to the emerging global trend in functional programming and is bringing world leaders of various languages to Prague. The first LambdUp, which took place on December 6, 2017, fulfilled its mission to bring together more than 155 developers from various international communities of functional languages, introduced seven high-quality talks, held two workshops, and most importantly created a space for finding innovative solutions and changing paradigms.
LambdUp organizers are expanding the conference’s focus to more individual languages. While Elixir, F #, Clojure dominated last year’s conference, Elm and Reason will be added this year. "Due to the fact that most developers in the Czech Republic write mainly in object-oriented languages, and functional programming has little awareness, we have decided to approach it in both theoretical and practical terms. Beyond pure backend talks, front-end developers will have something to look forward to as well. ReasonML and Elm move the front-end community forward, and that's why it won’t be missed at LambdUp," says Antonín Hackenberg, a guarantor of the content, adding, "we believe that this is the way to show developers the main reasons and benefits why their attention should lead in the direction of functional languages and how its knowledge can already help them in their day-to-day activities.”
Amongst confirmed speakers are Professor Philip Wadler, Alfonso Garcia-Caro, (creator of Fable compiler,) software engineer, Ju Liu, and author of the book “Elixir in Action“ Saša Jurić. More are yet to be announced.
The main organizer of the conference is the digital agency, Blueberry, with CN Group co-organizing the event. The content guarantors are the Czech leaders of individual functional communities, such as Prague Lambda, FSharping, and Elm Prague.
More detailed information and the program will be revealed over the coming months. The most up-to-date information can be found on the website or social media of the event: Facebook, Twitter.
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