Temat przewodni tegorocznej edycji: "Building Your Digital Enterprise"
Konwergencja Nexus of IT Forces (Social, Mobile, Cloud, Information) oraz Internet of Things (Internetu rzeczy) tworzy nową Cyfrową Gospodarkę. Każde przedsięwzięcie biznesowe staje się przedsięwzięciem związanym nierozłącznie z technologiami a każdy budżet jest po części budżetem IT. Świat wchodzący w nową erę potrzebuje m.in. innowacji, infrastruktury i talentów gotowych na nową cyfrową rzeczywistość.
Tymczasem według badania przeprowadzonego przez Gartner pod koniec roku 2013 wśród 2 339 Dyrektorów ds. IT w 77 krajach większość z nich nie czuje się przygotowana do ery cyfryzacji.
A Ty? Czy jesteś gotów do cyfryzacji Twojego przedsiębiorstwa?
Konferencja Gartner IT Leadership Trends 2014 tematy
- Cyfrowa strategia biznesu - jaka jest i jak ją stworzyć, potencjalne kierunki rozwoju dla liderów IT
- Budowanie technologii dla przedsiębiorstwa cyfrowego – współpraca z dostawcami rozwiązań cyfrowych, poprawienie wydajności infrastruktury IT
- Poprawa bezpieczeństwa i wzmocnienie infrastruktury – bezpieczeństwo w środowisku cyfrowym
The convergence of the Nexus of IT Forces & the Internet of Things is creating the Digital Industrial Economy. Every business is becoming a technology business and every budget is in part an IT budget. The digital world needs digital-ready infrastructure, access to digitally-smart talent, digital innovation and much more. It’s the same for both the private and public sectors. 2014 is the year when IT leaders must begin this transformation. Doing so requires novel approaches and radical new thinking combined with unwavering attention to operational performance.
Key Issues:
- The Strategic Digital Story: What is a digital business strategy and how to build one, options for the future roles of IT leaders
- Building the Technology for your Digital Enterprise: Sourcing digital vendors, upgrading performance of the IT infrastructure
- Reinforcing Security & Infrastructure: Security in the digital environment, managing BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and BYOA (Bring Your Own Application)
Konferencja Gartner IT Leadership Trends 2014 prelegenci
- Pan Minister Rafał Trzaskowski, Ministerstwo Administracji i Cyfryzacji
- John Mahoney–VP Distinguished Analyst, Gartner – ekspert o 36 letnim doświadczeniu, który pokaże jak firm przechodzą od strategii IT do strategii cyfrowego biznesu i jakich kompetencji i umiejętności wymaga ta transformacja.
- Ansgar Schulte – Research Director, Gartner – dawniej CIO w znanych światowych firmach, który pokaże wyniki najnowszego badania CIO Survey w naszym regionie Europy. [Brand IT: The CIO’s Marketing Toolbox]
- Debra Logan – VP & Gartner Fellow – wcześniej konsultant w obszarze strategii i wyboru technologii, która opowie o kluczowych elementach postępowania względem BigData w obszarze IT i biznesu oraz inteligencji grupowej i umiejętności wspólnego podejmowania decyzji w nowoczesnym przedsiębiorstwie.
- Ant Allan – Research VP, Gartner – przedstawi nową koncepcję bezpieczeństwa koncentrującego się na użytkownikach a nie elementach kontroli, jak również omówi zasadnicze trendy wpływające na obszar operacji i infrastruktury IT.
Konferencja Gartner IT Leadership Trends 2014 program
- Opening & Welcome Leszek Masniak Words of welcome to the participants of the event and sharing the Gartner perspective on global and regional issues and trends in IT.
- Gartner Keynote: From IT Strategy to Digital Business Strategy John Mahoney The growth of the digital industrial economy means that IT leaders must deliver even more reliable and efficient operational performance at the same time as they create digital innovation and develop digitally-smart talent. Every business is now a technology business and every enterprise - pubic and private sector - needs to ask and answer the question "How will we survive and thrive in an increasingly digital world?". We will help you find the critical issues and actions you need for success in 2014 and beyond.
- CIO Survey 2014 (CEE Edition) Ansgar Schulte Welcome to the third era of enterprise technology. IT leaders are facing all the challenges they have for many years, plus a torrent of digital opportunities and threats. Digitalization raises questions about strategy, leadership, structure, talent, financing, and almost everything else. Discover what CIOs worldwide and in this region say about their challenges, plans and insights for 2014.
- Introduction to Mastermind Interview Leszek Masniak
- Mastermind Interview During the most important Gartner events worldwide one of the sessions awaited by attendees is the Mastermind Interview - a public interview run by the Gartner Analysts with key personalities of IT world. It will be also present in Agenda of Gartner IT Leadership Trends.
- Top Trends & Their Impact on IT Infrastructure & Operations Ant Allan The focus of this session is to help IT leaders think outside of their day to day issues and understand the outside forces are happening in IT. It will help you discover their potential impact on IT and your day to day operations. These impacts include technololgy, budget and organizational, and will often be dramatic.
- Big Data Strategy Essentials for IT & Business Debra Logan A heightened interest in big data, coupled with a limited appreciation of its range challenges, creates an information strategy gap that introduces tremendous risk for enterprises. This session details a dozen key strategy components.
- Transform Your Security Program: From Control-Centric to People-Centric Ant Allan The traditional control mindset of information security cannot keep pace with technological and behavioural change, resulting in policies and technologies that cause frustration and impede agility. A new approach is required, one that recognizes how the relationships between IT, the business and individuals have been transformed irrevocably.
- Brand IT - The CIO's Marketing Toolbox Ansgar Schulte IT leaders still face all the challenges they have had for many years. Now they must also must deal with the increasing opportunities and threats of digitalization. So they need to reinvent themselves professionally. As if looking in a mirror, how can CIOs assess their brand and unique characteristics? As if looking out of a window, how do your peers consider your brand and your unique characteristics? We'll give you ideas you can use to reinvent yourself and your brand in 2014 and achieve recognition for your value.
- Collaborative Decision Making - We are Smarter than Me Debra Logan Collaboration and social capabilities are converging with BI and analytics to optimize both strategic and tactical decisions. At the same time, advanced analytics, rules engines and event processing are converging to optimize operational decisions. This presentation will explore how these technologies can significantly improve the effectiveness of business decision making.
- Talent on the Digital Frontier John Mahoney Nearly 50% of participants in a Gartner Research Circle survey expect the knowledge, skills and competencies of digital business to be spread around their companies by 2015; only about 15% expect them to be concentrated in IT. Which knowledge and skills will be needed? Whats different in this new domain? How can you learn from early adopters and leading-edge businesses to gain a competitive edge
- Best Practices Sharing: Joint Sessions with Three CIOs Leszek Masniak CIOs from public, state-owned, big & small private companies share their observations on a role of the leader in their sector; we start with an intro why these CIOs were chosen - their achievements
- Closing Remarks John Mahoney