Konferencja Startup Europe Summit Warsaw 2016

On March 21st, we are heading to Warsaw to learn about the startup ecosystem and the challenges founders face. With international guests and key local players, the afternoon will be focused on learning what works and what does not, directly from founders and investors from Warsaw and Poland.

Program Konferencji Startup Europe Summit

  • 13:00 – Doors Open
  • 13:30 – Opening Remarks: Why We Are Here
  • 13:45 – Panel Discussion: Building a European Champion from Poland
  • 14:45 – Fireside Chat: A Polish Perspective on Early Stage Investing
  • 15:30 – Break, Shake IT out
  • 16:00 – Panel Discussion: Intermediary Liability and its Importance to Startups
  • 16:45 – Fireside Chat: Challenges for Internationals Entering the Polish Market
  • 17:30 – Panel Discussion: Warsaw and its Shift to Becoming a Startup City
  • 18:15 – Closing Remarks: The Warsaw Startup Strategy
  • 18:30 – Open Networking

Mówcy i prelegenci na Konferencji Startup Europe Summit są z firm:

Protos Venture Capital, Allegro Group, upnext.io, brand24.net, factory.co, startupeuropeclub.eu, kontakt.io, www.gmfus.org, koneser.eu, startuppoland.orgen, www.innovationnest.co, prowly.com, redstonedigital.de, tylko.com, www.startupgrind.plpilot.co

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