Never-failing explosion of enthusiasm and talent is what gets us motivated to explore this amazing community in all of its potential. A journey we take through different ideas, technologies, paradigms and languages inspires creativity, growth and pure enjoyment of coding.
To us Scala, Erlang, Haskell, Elixir, F#, Lisp, Clojure, OCaml and many other emerging technologies are more than languages - they are new perspectives on how to understand and tackle challenges of every day work.
Konferencja Lambda Days 2019 speakers
- Don Syme .NET Generics, C# 2.0, F# 1.0-4.5, Async, Type Providers
- José Valim Elixir Creator
- John Azariah ❤ (I, _) (Q#)
- Manuel M T Chakravarty Tweag I/O & IOHK
- Brooklyn Zelenka Programs with functions λ
- John Hughes Co-Designer Of Haskell And Quickcheck
- Michał Płachta Making games using λs
- Kevin Hammond Professor at the University of St Andrews
- Ben Marx Software Architect and Author
- Thorsten Altenkirch University of Nottingham
- Marko Dimjašević Computer scientist interested in correct software
- Lars Hupel INNOQ
- Tomasz Kowal Software Developer @ ClubCollect
- Anne Veinberg CodeKlavier
- Felipe Ignacio Noriega CodeKlavier
- Anton Moldovan SBTech
- Piotr Moczurad Member of the Luna team, Haskell developer
- Łukasz Nawojowski Rambler
- Miron Markowski Artist wannabe
- Moa Johansson Researcher at Chalmers University
- Viačeslav Pozdniakov
- Einar Høst A computer
- Jonas Winje A human
- Michael Sperber CEO of Active Group, functional programmer
- Jarek Ratajski Java developer with a functional heart
- Wojciech Danilo Luna, the world's most advanced visual programming language
- Øystein Kolsrud A functional ambassador in an object oriented world
- Rakhim Davletkaliyev A mutable entity
Auditorium Maximum UJ, Krupnicza 33, Kraków
Erlang Solutions Ltd