Centrum Przedsiębiorczości Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego serdecznie zaprasza do udziału w III edycji międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej Przedsiębiorczość w XXI wieku. Oblicza i perspektywy.
The Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw has a great pleasure to invite you to participate in an international conference on entrepreneurship that is held in Warsaw (more detailed information about the upcoming edition you can find in the Current edition).
During the conference, we discuss different faces and aspects of entrepreneurship, presenting classical and alternative research in this field. The conference creates a great opportunity to meet both Polish and international scholars, as well as representatives of Polish and international business environments. Every year we try to bring to our participants fruitful and inspirational discussions, that will flourish in future collaborations in the fields of research and education.
The topics of interest for presentations and papers include various aspects of entrepreneurship, connected with entrepreneurial processes, and also legal, economic, financial, international, and cultural context of entrepreneurial activity (for the list of possible topics see Current edition).
III Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Przedsiębiorczość w XXI wieku. Oblicza i perspektywy 2016 program dzień 1
9:45 – 10:00 Official opening – Alojzy Z. Nowak, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Beata Glinka – Organizer.
10:00 – 11:30 Panel Session I: Entrepreneurship ecosystem: myth or reality?
Moderator: Beata Glinka
Room: Faculty Board Aula (B205)
Parallel sessions I: 12:00 – 13:30
Session I A - Room: Faculty Board Aula (B205)
Topic: Financial aspects of entrepreneurship I
Chair: Marta Postuła
Frederic Bill, Linnaeus University, Sweden – A three Layered Passepartout, in new venture financing;
Joanna Małecka, Teresa Łuczka, Poznan University of Technology - The Private Equity Market in Poland and in Central and Eastern Europe: Selected Aspects;
Adriana Kaszuba-Perz, Rzeszow University of Technology - The needs and possibilities of an application of management accounting tools and controlling which support identification and risk assessment in successive phases of company growth;
Bartłomiej Juras, Małgorzata Czerny, Poznan University of Economics and Business – Budgeting as s method of cost management on the example of the residential community.
Session I B – Room: Aula B (ground floor)
Topic: Entrepreneurs in societies: social and cultural context of entrepreneurship I
Chair: Tomasz Bernat
Michał Chmielecki, Łukasz Sułkowski, University of Social Sciences, Łódź – Images of Entrepreneurs – Research Results;
Marta Hawkins, Plymouth University Business School – Entrepreneurship: Representations in the Polish and English press;
Tomasz Mering, Ryszard Szarfenberg, University of Warsaw - Private interests, mutual benefit goals and public aims: the case of social co-operatives in Poland;
Marta Ziółkowska, Warsaw School of Economics - Success factors and Benefits of Social Franchising as a Form of Modern Entrepreneurship.
Dominika Ochnik, Katowice School of Economics - Does media information about economic crisis modify entrepreneurial attitude?
Session I C – Room: B106 (first floor)
Topic: Strategic and international entrepreneurship I
Chair: V.H. Manek Kirpalani
Anita Pelle, University of Szeged - Entrepreneurship and competitiveness in the EU member states, with special regard to the Visegrad countries;
Grzegorz Baran, Jagiellonian University - Strategy as social practice as a theoretical framework for the study of entrepreneurship;
Agata Rudnicka, University of Lodz – Understanding sustainable business models;
Krzysztof Zięba, Gdansk University of Technology - High growth aspirations of nascent entrepreneurs: Why do they fall?
Session I D – Room: B 105 (first floor)
Topic: Entrepreneurs: cooperation and market success
Chair: Aviv Shoham
Aviv Shoham, University of Haifa – Entrepreneurial versus market orientation: which route to performance?
Marzanna Witek-Hajduk, Anna Napiórkowska, Warsaw School of Economics - A framework of retailer-manufacturer cooperation and coopetition: consumer durable goods retailers’ case studies;
Rafał Kusa, University of Science and Technology Kraków - Interorganisational Collaboration in the View of the Theory of Entrepreneurship;
Magdalena Popowska, Gdansk University of Technology - Co-living or a “sandpit” for future entrepreneurs. The first experience from Poland.
13:30 – 14:20 Lunch, Place: hall in front of Aula B (ground floor)
Parallel sessions II: 14:20 – 16:10
Session II A - Room: Faculty Board Aula (B205)
Topic: Financial aspects of entrepreneurship II
Chair: Adam Samborski
Jamal Boukouray, ESCA Ecole de Management - Low-Cost Versus Frugal Innovation Building Blocks & The Fundamentals of Jugaad Business Modeling;
Paweł Perz, Rzeszów University of Technology – Family firms IPOs activity and pricing in Poland.
Michał Brzozowski, Grzegorz Tchorek, University of Warsaw – Exchange rate level, Innovation and obstacles to Growth. Who needs a weak Zloty?
Sabina GriŽanČiČ, University of Ljubljana – Launch strategy in crowdfunded NVTs: exploring different aspects
Session II B – Room: Aula B (ground floor)
Topic: Immigrant entrepreneurship I
Chair: Roman Batko
Sibylle Heilbrunn, Kinneret Academic College, Israel - Migrant Self-Employed Integrated into Precariousness?
Jörg Freiling, Aki Harima, University of Bremen - Development of a Conceptual Model for Entrepreneurial Ecosystem from the Perspective of Austrian Capital Theory; How Are Refugee Entrepreneurs Different from Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurs? – A Conceptualization;
Beata Glinka, University of Warsaw – Polish immigrant entrepreneurs – sources and ways of learning;
Agnieszka Brzozowska, University of Warsaw – Vietnamese immigrants’ business patterns;
Jan Brzozowski, Cracow University of Economics – Immigrant integration and diaspora entrepreneurship in the Polish context.
Session II C – Room: B106 (first floor)
Topic: Strategic and international entrepreneurship II
Chair: Krzysztof Wach
V.H. Manek Kirpalani, Concordia University - Entrepreneurial Impact Leading to Successful International Business Strategies for MNES and SMEs;
Mariola Ciszewska Mlinarič, Kozminski University - The role of distance in international expansion;
Izabela Kowalik, Warsaw School of Economics - The entrepreneurial marketing orientation of born-global companies: conceptual model and research framework;
Nelly Daszkiewicz, Gdansk University of Technology – Traditional vs. rapid internationalization of high-tech firms. Research results.
Aleksandra Zygmunt, Opole University of Technology - Innovation as a significant competitiveness stimulant for enterprises and regions.
Session II D – Room: B105 (first floor)
Topic: Education for entrepreneurship: challenges, methods, context
Chair: Agnieszka Postuła
Carina Holmgren, Linnaeus University, Sweden - Entrepreneurship as a governing technology – the construction of the ideal entrepreneurial teacher;
Antonio Fernandes, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança - Entrepreneurship and Creation of New Business: perceptions, behaviours and attitudes of the students of a Portuguese higher education institution;
Monika Jakubiak, Krystyna Buchta, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University - Determinants of entrepreneurial attitudes in relation to students of economics and non-economics;
Anita Richert-Kaźmierska, Gdansk University of Technology – Entrepreneurship for Septuagenarians – Sopot third age university students’ reflections
Waldemar Grzywacz, Jacek Moskalew, University of Warsaw – Polish management students against the background of seven cultures of capitalism.
16:10 – 16:30 Coffee Break, Place: hall in front of the Faculty Board Aula (second floor)
Parallel sessions III: 16:30 – 18:00
Session III A - Room: Faculty Board Aula (B205)
Topic: Entrepreneurship: Women in cultural and market context
Chair: Anita Pelle
Sandra Sunanto, Agus Gunawan, Theresia Gunawan, Meine Pieter van Dijk, Parahyangan Catholic University - Women Entrepreneurs: A study of Indonesian Female Evidence and Perception for Becoming Entrepreneurs;
Paulina Siemieniak, Małgorzata Rembiasz, Jakub Pawlak, Poznan University of Technology - Internet as a tool to promote women's entrepreneurship. Selected aspects;
Anna Turczak, The West Pomeranian Business School – Number of self-employed women and men – analysis based on the sections of the Polish economy;
Anna Dolot, Cracow University of Economics - Observed and expected direct supervisors’ behaviours – employees’ perspective.
Session III B – Room: Aula B (ground floor)
Topic: Entrepreneurs in a regional context
Chair: Frederic Bill
Joanna Zygmunt, Opole University of Technology - Enterprises’ development in peripheral regions: patterns and determinants;
Sylwia Mazgajska, Elżbieta Strzelecka, Łódz University of Technology - Model of creative businesses and development of the rural municipality Puszcza Marianska;
Jarosław Korpysa, University of Szczecin – Technological entrepreneurship – a regional approach;
Adam Czarnota, Koszalin University of Technology – Advanced technology enterprises in West Pomerania region.
Session III C – Room: B106 (first floor)
Topic: Individuals and teams
Chair: Sibylle Heilbrunn
Tomasz Bernat, University of Szczecin - Genes and personal attitude to entrepreneurship;
Magorzata Rozkwitalska, WSB University in Gdansk - Thriving in intercultural interactions as an antecedent of organizational creativity and innovations;
Beata Krawczyk – Bryłka, Gdansk University of Technology - Attributes of entrepreneurial teams as the elements of mental model;
Katarzyna Stankiewicz, Paweł Ziemiański, Gdansk University of Technology, Preferences towards undertaking entrepreneurial activities in culturally diverse teams.
Patrycja Gulak – Lipka, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń - Development of entrepreneurial qualities of athletes in selected sport disciplines.
Special Session: workshop for PhD students – Room: B105 (first floor), 16:30 – 18:00
Topic: Publishing in Top Journals: Journal selection, paper write-up, and what reviewers are looking for.
Workshop organizer: Aviv Shoham III Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Przedsiębiorczość w XXI wieku. Oblicza i perspektywy 2016 program dzień 2
Parallel sessions IV: 9:30 – 11:10
Session IV A - Room: Faculty Board Aula (B205)
Topic: Immigrant Entrepreneurship II
Chair: Agnieszka Brzozowska
Leszek Kwieciński, Patrycja Matusz-Protasiewicz, University of Wroclaw - The ethnic entrepreneurship as a multidimensional process in the context of system approach;
Niclas Rüffer, Mannheim University - Innovative Activities of Migrant Entrepreneurs;
Ewa Sadurska-Duffy, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – Women, immigration and self-employment – the experiences of Polish women in the British labour market;
Nafisa Yeasmin, University of Lapland - Measuring the socio-political impact of establishing cooperatives for immigrants in Lapland: A comparative analysis.
Session IV B – Room: B104 (first floor)
Topic: Entrepreneurial organizations: startups, corporations, public organizations
Chair: Sandra Sunanto
Hanna Godlewska – Majkowska, Warsaw School of Economics - Intrapreneurship at academic environment,
Marek Ćwiklicki, Cracow University of Economics - Public Entrepreneurship and its Role in Public Value Creation
Grażyna Urbanik – Papp, Tishner European University - Developing corporate entrepreneurship by adopting learning practices of startups
Katarzyna Rostek, Agnieszka Skala, Warsaw University of Technology – Differentiating criteria for Polish startup companies,
Anna Czarczyńska, Kozminski University - Entrepreneurship in Poland – research report.
Session IV C – Room: B105 (first floor) NOTE! The session starts earlier, at 9:15!!! (9:15 – 11:15)
Topic: Entrepreneurs in societies II
Chair: Anna Pawłowska
Marzena Starnawska, Gdansk University of Technology – Social entrepreneurship research – challenges, explanations, and suggestions for the field development;
Małgorzata Sternal, Academy of Music in Kraków - Value creation between art and industry - musicians and their entrepreneurial intentions;
Dariusz Danilewicz, Warsaw School of Economics - Changing the paradigm of leadership - an opportunity or a threat for youth entrepreneurship?
Mayowa Oludele Solaja, Olabisi Onabanjo University - Ecopreneurship and Green Product Initiative (GPI): An Agenda for Nigeria’s Sustainable Development in 21st Century;
Agnieszka Żur, Cracow University of Economics - Social innovation - review of current research and future prospects,
Małgorzata Gajowiak, Poznan University of Technology – Entrepreneurship of the elderly in Poland – chosen aspects.
Session IV D – Room: B 106 (first floor)
Topic: Legal context of entrepreneurship
Chair: Nelly Daszkiewicz
Paulina Kubera, Poznan University of Technology – Evaluating the impact of regulation and regulatory policy – towards a better entrepreneurial ecosystem;
Marek Gnusowski, Poznan University of Business and Economics - Entrepreneurship in the context of professional services - theoretical approach
Luigi Lai, National Information Processing Institute - New Tendencies In The EU Insolvency Regulation Which Could Foster Entrepreneurial Activities,
Ilona Szwedziak – Bork, University of Warsaw - Anticompetitive agreements concluded between Polish entrepreneurs. Forms, objects and effects on development/growth of entrepreneurship.
11:30 – 13:00 Panel Session II (in Polish): Lokalna Polska przedsiębiorcza
Moderator: Jacek Pasieczny, Room: Faculty Board Aula (B205)
11:30 – 13:00 Entrepreneurship at the University of Warsaw: closing remarks. Session for international participants.
Moderators: Beata Glinka, Waldemar Kozioł, Room: B106 (first floor)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch, Place: Floor -1 in Building B
Note! After the lunch a tour will be organized for international participants.
Parallel sessions V: 14:00 – 15:45
Session VA (in Polish) - Room: Faculty Board Aula (B205)
Topic: Wyzwania procesów zarządzania/Managerial challenges
Chair: Marek Ćwiklicki
Zofia Patora – Wysocka, University of Social Sciences - Beyond stability vs. change dilemma: everyday practices and routines as sources of organizational life;
Anna Pawłowska, University of Warsaw – Reguły zatrudnialności w MSP;
Jacek Gancarczyk, Jagiellonian University - Internationalization processes of cluster enterprises;
Małgorzata Baran, Collegium Civitas - The mentor's role within the company,
Ludmiła Walaszczyk, Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy - Project risk management in enterprises with the use of TOPSIS method.
Session V B – Room: B104 (first floor)
Topic: Entrepreneurs on the market/Przedsiębiorcy na rynku
Chair: Marzanna Witek - Hajduk
Bartosz Targański, Anna Mokrysz – Olszyńska, Warsaw School of Economics - Cross-border e-commerce – myth or reality;
Anna Szopa, Jagiellonian University - Exploring the quality of place: relationship between creative clusters and their location;
Jarosław Ropęga, University of Lodz - The role of restarts in supporting the development of entrepreneurship;
Marta Wojtyra, Kozminski University - Facilitating business transfer in Poland – an analysis of matching platforms;
Session V C (in Polish) – Room: B105 (first floor)
Topic: Uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorczości
Chair: Igor Postuła
Adam Samborski, Katowice University of Economics - Bariery fiskalne rozwoju przedsiębiorczości;
Renata Lisowska, University of Lodz - Inteligentne specjalizacje szansą na rozwój przedsiębiorczości w regionie;
Roman Batko, Jagiellonian University – Humanistyka cyfrowa i przedsiębiorczość;
Agnieszka Dziubińska, University of Economics, Katowice - Innowacja instytucjonalna w warunkach transformacji otoczenia;
Przemysław Dubel, University of Warsaw - Fundusze unijne jako stymulatory rozwoju przedsiębiorczości,
Monika Wandzel, Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Monika Wandzel - Dylematy nadzoru korporacyjnego
Session V D (in English) – Room: B 106 (first floor) – PhD track
Topic: Financial and legal context of entrepreneurship
Chair: Marzena Starnawska
Sirojiddin Orifov, Kozminski University - SME development, economic growth and state intervention in a developing economy: The Uzbek story;
Ivona Karklinevska, University of Warsaw - China plays a greater role in the world finance?
Gerard Wilk, University of Warsaw - Support in the start – about some programs for beginners entrepreneur;
Karolina Brzezińska, Lodz University of Technology - The importance of small enterprise growth for economy;
Olga Irodenko, University of Warsaw – Internal audit effectiveness: theoretical research.
Parallel sessions VI: 16:00 – 17:30
Session VI A - Room: Faculty Board Aula (B205)
Networking – przyszła współpraca. Spotkanie z organizatorami.
Please note! Sessions VI B and VI C may be modified – Plan sesji VIB I VIC może ulec zmianie!
Session VI B – Room: B105 (first floor) – PhD/Students’ track
Topic: Different faces of entrepreneurship/Różne oblicza przedsiębiorczości
Chair: Paweł Kłobukowski
Łukasz Banach, University of Warsaw – Jak efektywnie zarządzać projektami I priorytetyzować zadania w przedsiębiorstwach software’owych
Joanna Chlebiej, University of Warsaw – Wizerunek Branży farmaceutycznej w polskim internecie
Małgorzata Oleś, University of Warsaw - Efektywne zarządzanie w Urzędzie przy wykorzystaniu Aurea BPM.
Session VI C – Room: B 106 (first floor) – PhD track
Topic: Entrepreneurial actions in organizations
Chair: Magdalena Marczewska
Wojciech Witkowski, University of Warsaw - Determinants of entrepreneurship development on the example of the profession - music manager in Poland, acting in their own organization;
Krystian Chorbiński, University of Warsaw - Innovative entrepreneurship in the process of human resource management in service of public safety as a specific branch of the Polish public administration;
Wojciech Lewandowski, University of Warsaw - Marketing Automation impact on the sales of medical services and healthcare facilities management.
Marta Kabut, Mateusz Kabut, University of Warsaw – Different faces of motivation in research institute – a case study