Wspaniałe kobiety w nowych technologiach z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Azji Centralnej - studentki, profesjonalistki i szefowe najbardziej innowacyjnych globalnych firm technologicznych spotkają się w listopadzie tego roku w Warszawie, aby rozmawiać o przyszłości IT i Big Engineering, zdobyć najnowszą wiedzę branżową, rozwinąć globalną sieć kontaktów, zaplanować kolejne etapy kariery, uczyć się od siebie i czerpać inspirację.
Konferencja Perspektywy Women in tech summit 2018 mówcy
- Donya-Florence Amer Executive Vice President, Corporate Sector Information Systems & Services, Robert Bosch GmbH
- Martin Bastiaans Director & Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities, IEEE
- Anna Berenberg Principal Software Engineer, Google Cloud Networking, Google
- Dominika Bettman CEO, Siemens Poland
- Alexis B. Björlin Corporate Vice President of the Data Center Group (DCG) and General Manager of the DCG Connectivity Group, Intel
- Krystyna Boczkowska CEO, Bosch Poland
- Joanna Chwastowska Engineering Coach / Growth Manager at DeepMind Health, Google
- Patricia Florissi PhD - Vice President & Global CTO for Sales, Dell
- Nigist Tilahun Gebremedhin Director, Hawassa University STEM Centre
- Jo Hannaford Head of the Technology Division for EMEA and Global Head of Quality Assurance Engineering, Goldman Sachs
- Stephanie Hoogenbergen Head of IT, Credit Suisse Poland
- Ulrika Jägare Director Technology & Architecture, CTO office, Ericsson
- Teresa Janowski General Manager, STEM Nation
- Małgorzata Kasperska Vice President, IT Division for MEE region, Schneider Electric
- Janice Levenhagen-Seeley CEO & Founder, ChickTech
- Ewa Maciaś Senior Engineering Manager, Google
- Lesley Marjoribanks Head of Applied Security, Royal Bank of Scotland
- Jody Medich Director of Design, Singularity University
- Martin Mellor Head of Ericsson Poland, Ericsson
- Sasha Mobley Writer & Coach, Silicon Valley
- Anja Monrad Senior Vice President & General Manager CEE, Dell
- Helena Norrman Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer and Head of Marketing & Corporate Relations, Ericsson
- Jayne Opperman Managing Director, Head of APAC/EMEA Consumer Technology, Citi
- Lila Papadoperaki Engineering Manager, leader of Workplace by Facebook Platform team, Facebook
- Bożenna Pasik-Duncan Deputy Chair of the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Control Education, Professor of Mathematics, University of Kansas
- Gulsun Sağlamer President, EWORA (European Women Rectors Association)
- Dona Sarkar Engineering Leader of the Windows Insider Program, Microsoft
- Jayshree Seth Corporate Scientist and Chief Science Advocate, 3M
- Rolf Tarrach President, EUA (European University Association)
- Lori Tempelis Data Intelligence & Digital Commerce Solutions Director, 3M
- Ingrid Wünning Tschol Senior Vice President Strategy, Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Pavel Vassilovski R&D Department Head, Samsung Poland
- Corinne Vigreux Co-Founder, TomTom
- Angela Wang Partner & Managing Director, Beijing, The Boston Consulting Group
- Esra Yavuz Director, Information Technology Data Management, Data & Analytics, P&G
Fundacja Edukacyjna Perspektywy
Centrum EXPO XXI sp. z o.o. Prądzyńskiego 12/14, 01-222 Warszawa