27-29.06.2018 Konferencja European Energy Market 2018 Łódź

The conference has a long tradition started in 2004 in Łódź, Poland and continued in Warsaw and Cracow in 2006 and 2007 respectively. After four events took place in Poland, the fifth conference was held in Lisbon in 2008, the sixth event was organized in Leuven in May 2009. The subsequent conferences were located in Madrid in 2010, Zagreb in 2011, Florence 2012, Stockholm in 2013, Cracow in 2014, Lisbon in 2015, Porto in 2016 and Dresden in 2017.

In 2018, we are back in Łódź. It is a city located in the very heart of Poland and Europe, with a modern train station and its own international airport. It is surrounded by a network of motorways and express roads providing easy access to Warsaw, Wrocław, Poznań, Berlin, Dresden, Prague and other European cities.

European Energy Market 2018  conference will be held in the Expo-Łódź trade centre on 27th – 29th June 2018. It is organized by the Polish Association of Electrical Engineers in cooperation with the Lodz University of Technology. The conference will be an excellent opportunity to present researches, share ideas and discuss European market operation, its  development and main challenges.

Konferencja European Energy Market 2018 Keynote speakers

  • Jean-Michel Glachant Florence School of Regulation, Italy "European energy system and market development under new rules of Winter package"
  • Albert Moser RWTH Aachen Univerity, Germany "One European Electricity Market – Where do we stand?"
  • Athanasios Krontiris Global Product Specialist HVDC Connections, ABB "High-Voltage Direct Current transmission: enabling single EU energy market"
  • Liutauras Varanavicius Director of Strategy Departmant, Litgrid "Litgrid Lithuania Synchronizing the Baltic power system with ENTSO-E"
  • Władysław Mielczarski Lodz University of Tehchnology, Poland "Energy Revolution or Evolution"

Expo-Łódź, Al. Politechniki 4, Łódź

Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich Oddział Łódzki

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