Największe wydarzenie o tematyce zarządzania projektami w środkowej Europie. 2 dni prelekcji, 30 prelegentów, 3 ścieżki tematyczne, 1 dzień warsztatów. Dodatkowo gry networkingowe, mentoring, targi kariery i wiele więcej.
Triple dose of experience! Three conference streams!
Technical Management Lectures in this path will provide a wide range of business practices and case studies related to the aspects of project/program/portfolio governance, PMO, project management maturity and knowledge management. In this path you will get a closer look at the waterfall, agile and hybrid project management which recently plays a very important role in business dynamic environment.
Leadership Lectures in this path will focus on skills, knowledge and behaviors related to specific leadership-oriented skills that help organizations achieve its business goals.. The third path will highlight the importance of project managers’ interpersonal skills, will provide cases of successful conflict resolution or leading by example, coaching, emotional intelligence or interpersonal skills.
Strategic Management After this track of lectures you will be able to get the answer to the following questions: alignment between project management and strategy in start-ups, small and medium companies and corporations. How to exploit benefits out of PMO, which methodology suits you best, how to start a PMO in your company?
11. International PMI PC Congress 2016 program
Besides great speeches, our guests will have possibility to take part in many additional sub-events. Just few of them below:
- Speedmentoring. You will have chance to be a mentee of such personalities like Tomasz Boiński, Małgorzata Kusyk or Dariusz Ciechan, as well as some of our speakers. If you want to become a mentor as well – write us at Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. Please provide us information on the subject you feel yourself strong at. Tell us on which day and hour you would like to provide mentoring. Mentees will be able to sign for mentoring during the event.
- Round tables. Looking for some solutions or specific experiences with dash of networking with other participants and some of the speakers? Round table is for you. Sessions will be moderated by specialists.
11. International PMI PC Congress 2016 program DAY 1
Ricardo Vargas Leading Projects in Turbulent Times
ENG Mohamed Khalifa Hassan Agile for Non IT Projects
PL Marcin Zeszutek Zwinne metody zarządzania w rozwoju zawodowym inżynierów budownictwa
PL Łukasz Węgrzyn Umowy IT dla projektów "zwinnych" - polskie doświadczenie vs. reszta świata
PL Mariusz Kapusta Project Management Games –– Jak wykorzystać mechanizmy znane z gier do motywowania i angażowania zespołu, czyli PM GO
PL dr Tomasz Kopczyński Rola i znaczenie project managera w podejściu sytuacyjnym w zarządzaniu projektami
ENG Fernando Colleone Emotional Intelligence in a Project Environment
ENG Fabio Rigamonti Empower your projects and change programs with ethical leadership
- PL Tomasz Rudolf Open Innovation Projects - Working like startups, working with startups
- ENG Luca Romano Adaptive Project Portfolio Management
- PL Grzegorz Szałajko Perfect alignement: integrating PP&P with organizations's structures, processes & culture
- Project of the Year presentation
11. International PMI PC Congress 2016 program DAY 2
Beth Partleton Pulse od the Profession: The High Cost of Low Performance. What are its key discoveries? (How will You improve business results)
- Nader K. Rad P3. expresss: The Emerging Minimalist PM Framework
- Michał Hałas Project Management of innovations. Comparison of TRIZ, Design Thinking and Lean 3P.
- PWC: Badanie dojrzałości projektowej firm
- Johny Mo Leadership – Communication, can you hear me now?
- Line Jahle Navigate others and yourself in a hyper-complex project environment - Leadership Reloaded
- Kimberly Wiefling Catalytic Mechanisms - Effortless Ways to Change Behavior & Achieve Results
- ENG David Michael dell'Olio Can you create the YES that leads to success?
- Johny Mo Leadership – Communication, can you hear me now?
- ENG Dan Lefsky Locking in Value: 7 Ways to Consistently Achieve Project Targets
- PL Agnieszka Gasperini Project Management supports SME Strategy
- PL Maciej Bodych PMO as a company's competitive advantage
- Johny Mo Leadership – Communication, can you hear me now?