29.03.2019 Konferencja AzureDay Poland 2019 Warszawa

This is the 5th edition of AzureDay Poland conference – the first and biggest community conference dedicated to Microsoft Azure technologies in Poland.

In previous years the conference was very popular amongst attendees and partner companies. So again this year members of the Microsoft Azure User Group Poland and partners would like to invite you to the conference which will take place on the 29th of March on the PGE Narodowy arena in Warsaw.

During the conference attendees will have over 20 sessions to choose from which be delivered by Polish and abroad speakers. The sessions will be divided into three tracks – Cloud Development, Cloud Operations and Enterprise IT.

We will have a new addition this year which will be 20-minute long “theater” sessions which will take place throughout the course of the day.

We are also giving you a possibility to attend 4 great all day pre-conference workshops where you will be able to deep dive into presented technologies with hands-on exercises lead by the best specialists in those technologies.

So no matter if you are a developer, an IT professional, a data specialist or someone who makes key decisions in your organization come and join us to learn from the best Microsoft Azure specialist in Poland and all around the world!

Microsoft Azure User Group Poland

PGE Narodowy, Al. Ks. J. Poniatowskiego 1, 03-901 Warszawa


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