Konferencja WROC# Develop Yourself 2017

By inviting you to the 3rd edition of WROC# we’re offering you an opportunity to not only develop yourself, but also to support others in their development. How? To participate in the conference this time you need to get a ticket of 150 PLN via biletprosze.pl. The whole sum collected from the sale will go to 3 local non-governmental organizations that efficiently solve local community problems. WROC# will develop you and you can develop: environment (Stowarzyszenie Natura I Człowiek), children from foster care (Fundacja Przystanek Rodzina) and impaired adults (Fundacja L’Arche). We’re proud and happy to announce that our great collaborator: biletprosze.pl, a portal that’s administrating the tickets selling process, has decided to join us in doing the right thing and donate its commission to these NGOs as well. Together we can do more!

WROC# conference is a really unique opportunity for industry specialists, .NET enthusiasts, and all thirsty for knowledge to see well-known and respected experts. Our goal is unchangeable – we want to bring together bright minds and give inspiring talks that are focused on subjects and issues close to the .NET web developer’s heart. Come and hear what world-class keynote speakers are saying. By attending, you’ll develop your knowledge and you will get an opportunity to share your experience with the IT community.

Konferencja WROC# Develop Yourself 2017 program

Frans Rosén Go hack yourself…or someone else will This talk will guide you through web security best practices and the most common security mistakes. During 55 minutes, Frans will give you a hands-on toolkit on how to integrate security in your everyday workflow, mixed with thrilling examples of his own security findings.

Chris Klug Build maintainable applications in Angular JS

Maarten Balliauw What is going on? Tips and tricks around application diagnostics on Azure We all like building and deploying cloud applications. But what happens once that’s done? How do we know if our application behaves like we expect it to behave? Of course, logging! But how do we get that data off of our machines? How do we sift through a bunch of seemingly meaningless diagnostics? In this session, we’ll look at how we can keep track of our Azure application using structured logging, AppInsights and AppInsights analytics to make all that data more meaningful.

Steve Sanderson ASP.NET Core for Angular 2, React, and Knockout developers  What’s it going to take to convince you to build your next single-page app (SPA) on ASP.NET Core instead of Node.js? Our goal is to make ASP.NET Core the most productive, most flexible, and best performing cross-platform server-side web technology for hosting modern Angular / React / Knockout / etc apps. In this talk, I’ll demonstrate how you can:

  • Seamlessly integrate your server-side code with your client-side code
  • Code faster: Have your development-time server automatically rebuild TypeScript/LESS/etc in realtime as you edit code, and use Hot Module Replacement (HMR) to sync those updates into your pages instantly without reloading or losing state
  • Boost performance and SEO: Enable server-side prerendering of your Angular2/React components, and optimise the delivery of JavaScript/CSS to the browser
  • Use advanced client-side debugging features thanks to tie-ins with Redux and Webpack
  • Use features from any NPM

Tess Ferrandez Debugging .NET performance problems, memory leaks and crashes If you ever had a hang, performance issue, memory leak, crash or cryptic exception in a .NET application that you couldn’t fix, this session is meant for you. We will look at strategies and tools to troubleshoot and debug these types of issues.

Shawn Wildermuth Developing ASP.NET Core in VS Code Microsoft’s biggest web platform is now open source and cross platform. Most of the demo’s shown are using Microsoft’s flagship Visual Studio product. In this talk I’ll show you how to use their lighter weight (but cross platform) Visual Studio Code to build a sample ASP.NET Core project. You’ll learn both ASP.NET Core as well and Visual Studio Code.

Konferencja WROC# Develop Yourself 2017 speakers

  • Steve Sanderson
  • Shawn Wildermuth
  • Tess Ferrandez
  • Frans Rosén
  • Chris Klug
  • Maarten Balliauw

Stadion Wrocław, aleja Śląska 1, Wrocław

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