Konferencja ElixirLive 2016 Speakers
José Valim (@josevalim) is the creator of the Elixir programming language and the Director of R&D at Plataformatec, a consultancy firm based in Brazil
Aaron Cruz is a food lover who speaks about Ruby, Go and Elixir at conferences and meetups around the world. For his real job, he builds chatbots for forward thinking companies who want to reach new customers in interesting ways.
Sebastian Gebski - agilista, blogger, geek, software engineering manager & architect - still knee-deep in the code & ... enjoying it more than ever. Obsessed with the ideas of continuous delivery & development agility (ease of change over perfect up-front design). His origins are in C++ & .NET/C# (since 2001), but resisting Erlang (first) and Elixir (next) was just not an option. Currently he shares his time between Warsaw & Copenhagen, helping big financial services enterprises in their quest to build software that doesn't suck :)
Tomasz Kowal is a software developer currently working full time with Elixir at ClubCollect. He started with Erlang 6 years ago and is still amazed by the power functional languages provide. In his free time he likes tinkering with flying robots
Szymon Mentel got into Erlang at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland and for the last 4 years have worked on projects related to Software Defined Networking and XMPP at Erlang Solutions. On a daily basis he is involved with system design and development. Also, he teaches Erlang/Elixir in training courses.
Michał Muskała - student during mornings, developer at afternoons and open source contributor by evenings. Michal is programming languages enthusiast, focusing mostly on the functional side. He is a member of the Ecto core team and maintainer of the MongoDB adapter. He's Google Summer of Code 2015 alumni, where he worked on Ecto and it's MongoDB integration supervised by José Valim himself. When not programming he enjoys reading books, travelling, and sailing - no matter if sunny, rainy or stormy - it's even better if all of those are combined!
Tobias Pfeiffer is a clean coder, Full Stack developer, Rubyist, Elixir fan, learner, teacher and agile craftsman by passion.
He organizes the Ruby User Group Berlin, maintains Shoes and Benchee as well as contributing to a variety of projects while thinking about new ideas to put into code and push boundaries. He loves collaboratively creating just about anything people enjoy. Currently he's flying in the bitcrowd airship creating wonderful web applications, most recently with Elixir and Phoenix refreshing his perspective on web applications.
Victoria Wagman is a fullstack developer at 46elks. She’s passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. Editor of choice is vim. Language agnostic. She enjoys discovering and testing tools, processes and ways of thinking. @victoriawagman runs on vegetable juice and do-it-now mentality. She has incorporated #gtd into every day life, and every day strives to, through actions, pay it forward.