Annual IMP Coference

In year 2016 conference will be organised by Department of International Marketing together with Department of Marketing Strategies of Poznan University of Economics and Business.

Publication opportunities: the accepted papers after a double-blind review process will be published on the IMP Group website (unless wished otherwise). Selected competitive papers will be considered for publication in the special issues of ‘Industrial Marketing Management‘ and ‘The IMP Journal‘.

Apart from main conference and Doctoral Colloquim we organise Business Day – a special event during the conference with the aim of creating a platform for discussion between researchers and practitioners.

We are pleased to announce our IMP2016 Keynote Speaker. Przemysław Budkowski, Allegro CEO, will present the keynote address on the very first day of the IMP2016 Conference.

Annual IMP Coference Poznań

Business Day, organized on 31st of August during the IMP2016 conference in Poznan, is an unique event, which aims at creating a platform for discussion between practitioners and researchers. This event will include presentations of solutions and activities that companies perform when building, developing and terminating business relationships. In addition to presentations of Polish leading brands case studies Business Day Business Day gives a chance to meet Top Management of the most successful Polish companies and learn about the process of their past and future transformation.

Annual IMP Coference Poznań speakers

  • Ivan Snehota (Switzerland)
  • Dr Ralf Berckhan (Germany)
  • Agnieszka Libner, CEO, Trepko.
  • Filip Nowakowski, Chief Operations Executive, NOVOL Ltd.
  • Janusz Signetzki PhD, Vice President, W.P.I.P.
  • Artur Kłobucki, Export Director, Millano.
  • Rafał Makowski, Sales Director, York.
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