4-5.04.2019 Konferencja App.js Conf The very first Expo & React Native conference in Europe 2019 Kraków

App.js is a base. It is a place, where every React Native developer feels secure. Attend App.js Conf and meet people that joined the React Native Team at the very beginning. Talk to the authors of your favorite libraries and keep your ears on the ground for their new projects. The future of React Native is now. The future is at App.js.

Join App.js Conf and listen to the talks by the members of the Expo team. Experience the importance of networking during the conference and run fierce discussions with speakers and other attendees at our evening event. Get first-hand Expo tips during our workshops ran by Expo's creators. Participate, discuss and boost your skills. Make your next mobile app in no time.

A hands-on two-day conference with workshops and talks on React Native from Expo and Software Mansion.

Mobile apps are everywhere, React Native helps to build them easier. But is there a life beyond React Native? If you want to know how to speed up mobile apps development, join us at our event!

Konferencja App.js Conf The very first Expo & React Native conference in Europe 2019 wokrkshops

  • Brent Vatne Routing and navigation Without navigation, your app would just be a single screen. Navigation is a central concept to mobile apps – tab bars, drawers, modals, and transitioning to new screens, in general, are all navigation concepts. In this…
  • Quinlan Jung Intro to React Native Are you completely new to React and React Native? This is the workshop for you. We will get you up and running, teach you how to use the core components like View, Text, Image, ScrollView, and TextInput, you will learn how to…
  • Michał Osadnik Enhancing user experience with high-performance Gestures & Animations Gestures and animations are a broad subject where an advanced development and a complex logic meets very high UX requirements, and these encounters appear to…
  • Stanisław Chmiela Extending JS capabilities with native modules React Native’s libraries ecosystem constantly grows and you can achieve more and more just writing JS code. However, sometimes you may encounter an API or a library that hasn’t been exported to RN environment yet. What to do?
  • Nader Dabit Building Full Stack GraphQL Applications with React Native & AWS AppSync In this workshop we’ll build “Traveler“, a serverless GraphQL React Native app that includes features like user-authentication & fine-grained access control.

Workshops All workshops are full day events, scheduled for April 5th, next day after the main conference. Workshops are limited to 20 seats each. Secure the spot for workshop that suits you best and buy your ticket now for €215,25.

Software Mansion

Qubus Hotel Kraków, Nadwiślańska 6, 30-527 Kraków


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