Konferencja poświęcona treści, skierowana do autorów, architektów informacji, project managerów, projektantów i osób profesjonalnie zajmujących się tworzeniem treści. Tegoroczna, to już siódma edycja wydarzenia.
Content has long been treated as human readable only. It’s probably safe to say that it’s been changing during the past 10-15 years. We’re curious to see how much it’s changed. Do you treat content as code? Do you use the same processes, tools, and methodologies as developers or is content a completely different story? What are the benefits and drawbacks of this approach? And most importantly, what does “content as code” mean for you?
Remember: For us, content is not just text or User Guides. It’s all information and experience related to a product that impact users. That’s why, we welcome talks related to:
- Media
- UX & UI
- Technical Documentation
- e-Learning & Training Materials
Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, M. Konopnickiej 26, 30-302 Kraków