Konferencja Code Forward Conference 2017

The latest edition of "The Programmer's Guide to the Universe" (our standard repository for all knowledge and wisdom) lists three definitions for the term “Code Forward”:

  • In finance, a forward contract (also known as a forward) is a type of a derivative instrument. It is a customized contract between two parties, whereby one of the parties agrees to buy a specific asset at a specific date in the future at a predetermined price that is agreed upon today. A code forward is a contract where the underlying asset is software and the seller is a developer, a group of developers, or a specialized broker.
  • Code forward (Latin: programma deinceps) is an aphorism derived from the poetry of Horace (Latin: Sextusdecimus Horatius Abacus), which can be found in his “Odes To Algorithms” (2, 48, 4). The ode praises a young software developer learning new technologies, and the phrase "Code forward!" is a motto repeated throughout the poem by the lyrical subject as a means of encouraging the developer not to stray from his path.
  • Code Forward is a conference for software developers organized by software developers, which will take place on April 7, 2017 at the Sound Garden Hotel in Warsaw. It is a meeting of enthusiasts who decided to dedicate their professional careers to writing, testing, and maintaining code. It’s sponsored by Credit Suisse and Luxoft and is entirely organized by a group of passionate programmers working for these companies. The range of topics covered by the speakers is wide, but since conference time is limited, participants should expect a natural bias towards areas that the creators of Code Forward find especially exciting, such as Cloud, DevOps, and Big Data.

Konferencja Code Forward Conference 2017

  • Jean-Pierre (JP) Le Goaller
  • Jim Fanning
  • Michal Buczko
  • Sławomir Stanek
  • James Bowkett
  • Filip Wójcik
  • Tomasz Stachlewski
  • Tomasz Dubikowski
  • Ajay Singhal
  • Marta Firlej
  • Tomasz Olszewski
  • Bartosz Jankiewicz

Sound Garden Hotel, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 18, Warszawa

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